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London, BL, Add. 14,515 | Wright CCCVI | AD 893 / AG 1204
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 311 ff.| Origin: Convent of S. Mary Deipara
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Ephraim, Jacob of Batnae, Isaac of Antioch. The first volume of a collection of Choral Services and Homilies for the principal festivals of the whole year. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 69 items.
London, BL, Add. 14,529 | Wright DCCCLVI | 7th or 8th century
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 72 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Damasus, bishop of Rome. The Synodicon of Damasus, bishop of Rome, against various heresies; A section entitled, "Judgments of the Council of Ephesus," viz. against Nestorius; Select Judgments of the holy Fathers against the heresies of Julian of Halicarnassus; The eight chapters of Julian of Halicarnassus, with refutations; A collection of the Canons of the principal Councils of the Church; .... In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 66 items.
London, BL, Add. 14,533 | Wright DCCCLIX | 8th or 9th century
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 189 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: A large Collection of Demonstrations from the Fathers against various Heresies. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 91 items.
London, BL, Add. 12,154 | Wright DCCCLX | late 8th or early 9th century
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 294 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Πληροφορία, i.e., "Defense of the orthodox and apostolic faith," being a defense of Monophysite doctrines, principally directed against the Nestorians; A tract in defence of Monophysite doctrines, entitled "Demonstrations, or Evidences, concerning the Dispensation of the Messiah," divided into fifteen chapters; Extracts and selections from the writings of various fathers. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 171 items.
London, BL, Add. 12,155 | Wright DCCCLVII | 8th century
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 268 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Extracts in a different hand of somewhat later date; A volume of Demonstrations from the holy Fathers against various heresies. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 221 items.
London, BL, Add. 12,156 | Wright DCCXXIX | 6th century, before AD 562
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 137 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Timotheus (Aelurus), bishop of Alexandria. A compilation, consisting of treatises, letters, and extracts from various authors, directed chiefly against the doctrines of the Diphysites and the Council of Chalcedon; Cyril of Alexandria. The treatise of Cyril of Alexandria, entitled "Apologeticus pro duodecim Capitibus, adversus Orientales Episcopos"; Cyril. The treatise of Cyril, entitled "Pro XII. Capitibus, adversus Theodoretum"; Gregory Thaumaturgus. Gregory Thaumaturgus, to Theopompus, on the Impassibility and Passibility of God; Epiphanius of Cyprus. Epiphanius of Cyprus: a brief treatise on Heresies. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 229 items.
London, BL, Add. 14,577 | Wright DCCXCIII | 9th century
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 130 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Selections and extracts from various authors; Various extracts. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 75 items.
London, BL, Add. 14,598 |

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
London, BL, Add. 14,610 | Wright DCCXXVIII | 6th century, perhaps AD 551 / ca. AG 862
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 87 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: A table for finding the days of various festivals, commencing with the year 862, A.D. 551; A hymn (canon); Proclus of Constantinople. A discourse on the Faith; Basil. Homily of Basil on Deut. xv. 9; Gregory Thaumaturgus, Basil, John Chrysostom, Proclus. Testimonies from the writings of Gregory Thaumaturgus, ܓܪܝܓܪܝܘܣ ܐܦܝܣܩܦܐ ܕܢܐܩܣܪܝܐ , Basil, John Chrysostom, and Proclus, read at the Council of Ephesus; .... In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 18 items.
London, BL, Add. 12,170 |

Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
London, BL, Add. 17,125 | Wright CLXXV | 9th or 10th century
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 140 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: The Psalms, according to the Peshitta version; 2. The Canticles; Several prayers; Eusebius of Caesarea. Extracts from the Commentary of Eusebius of Caesarea on the Psalms; A tract on the diacritical points and marks of punctuation; .... In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 21 items.
London, BL, Add. 17,200 | Wright DCLXXXIX | 7th century
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 40 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Severus of Antioch, Julian of Halicarnassus. The correspondence of Severus of Antioch and Julian of Halicarnassus on the Corruptibility or Incorruptibility of the Body of Christ, translated by Paul of Callinicus. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 9 items.
London, BL, Add. 17,202 | Wright DCCCCXIX | late 6th or early 7th century
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 193 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Zacharias Rhetor, bishop of Mitylene. The Ecclesiastical History of Zacharias Rhetor, bishop of Mitylene, in twelve books. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 146 items.

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