Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Unspecified Syriac script | Paper Codex | 195 ff.| Origin:
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Daniel of Salach. The second volume of the Commentary of Daniel of Salach on the Psalms, comprising Pss. li. — c. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.
Unspecified Syriac script | Paper Codex | 221 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Hārith bar Sīsīn, of Sanbāt. Commentaries on the Gospels of S. John and S. Mark. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 3 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 161 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Paul, Gregory Nazianzen. A Commentary on the works of Gregory Nazianzen, as translated into Syriac by the abbat Paul, consisting chiefly of short notes upon difficult words and passages; A scholion, showing in what order the discourses of Gregory Nazianzen were composed and delivered. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 67 items.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 94 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Jacob of Batnae. Metrical discourses of Jacob of Batnae. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 14 items.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 172 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: John Chrysostom. Thirty homilies of John Chrysostom on the Second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 4 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Estrangela script | Parchment Codex | 88 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: John the Monk. Works of John the Monk. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 23 items.
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 120 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Daniel of Salach, ܡܪܝ ܕܢܐܝܠ ܨ̇ܠܚܝܐ. The first volume of the Commentary of Daniel of Salach, on the Psalms, comprising Pss. i — l.; Daniel of Salach. A letter ofDaniel of SalachtoJohn, abbat of theconvent of Eusebiusatܟܦܪܐ ܕܒܪܬܐ, in the district ofApamea, stating his reasons for writing this commentary, and making it as concise as possible. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 3 items.
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 94 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: The Homilies or Dissertations of Moses bar Kipha, on the principal Festivals of the Church, with some other discourses by the same writer. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 32 items.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Contents Summary: This manuscript record does not have a summary list of contents. For composite manuscripts, the list of contents can be found under each individual part.
Unspecified Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 79 ff.
Contents Summary: This manuscript contains: Sergius Stylites. The Disputation of Sergius Stylites, ofܓܘܣܝܬorܓܘܝܣܝܬwith a Jew, concerning the Sonship of Christ. In total, including sub-sections, this manuscript contains 1 item.